Healt and safety, safety officer job, work safety place,health food, ergonomic, back pain, accident, prevent accident, personal precaution, SAFETY AND PUBLIC HEALTH INFORMATION


Tuesday, August 29, 2006


The sequence Accident almost happening every day,such as traffic accidents, flight accidents,Industry accidents, home accidents that exposed by mass media including TV, Newspaper,Radio and so forth. They reported about many accidents cause injuries, fatalities,loss of production or damage to the property and assets. No body knows exactly why accident taking place every day. There is many comment when accident occur, one of most comment is Human Error. Are you sure if most of accidents caused by human error. According to the statement that released by W.H. Heinrich (1931) who developed the so called "Domino Theory", he said that accidents 88% are caused by unsafe acts of people (human error), 10% caused by unsafe condition(linked with environment), and 2% caused by "acts of God"

The theory Domino explaining that accident occuring by "five-factors accident sequence" it is means that each factor will affected to the next step in the manner of toppling dominoes line up in row. The sequence of accident factors is as following:

  1. ancestry and social environment
  2. worker fault
  3. unsafe act together with mechanical and physical hazard
  4. accident
  5. damage or injury

Accident is not single cause impact it's will influence to many damages, therefore eliminate to the accident factors is better otherways management impact of accident.
Minimize accident factors such as working properly, follow to the regulation in the workplace, undestanding safety manual, till behaviour safety will be keep away from accidents it self, because accident is unplaned and unpredictable, so preventive action is good way to prevent of accident. If you want to know more about accident Theory, you visit to CLICK HERE and HEREALSO HERE

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Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Keselamatan Pada Waktu Gempa Bumi

Doug Copp, Kepala Penyelamat dan Manajer Bencana dari American Rescue Team International (ARTI),


Saya telah merangkak di bawah 875 reruntuhan bangunan, bekerja sama dengan tim penyelamat dari 60 negara, dan mendirikan tim penyelamat di beberapa negara serta salah satu dari ahli PBB untuk Mitigasi Bencana selama 2 tahun.
Saya telah bekerja di seluruh bencana besar di dunia sejak tahun 1985.
Pada tahun 1996 kami membuat film yang membuktikan keakuratan metode bertahan hidup yang saya buat.


Kami meruntuhkan sebuah sekolah dan rumah dengan 20 boneka di dalamnya. 10 boneka "menunduk dan berlindung" dan 10 lainnya menggunakan metode bertahan hidup "segitiga kehidupan".
Setelah simulasi gempa, kami merangkak ke dalam puing-puing dan masuk ke dalam bangunan untuk membuat dukumentasi film mengenai hasilnya. Film itu menunjukkan bahwa mereka yang menunduk dan berlindung tidak dapat bertahan hidup dan mereka yang menggunakan metode saya "segitiga kehidupan" bertahan hidup 100%.
Film ini telah dilihat oleh jutaan orang melalui televisi di Turki dan sebagian Eropa, dan disaksikan pada program televisi di USA, Canada dan Amerika Latin.
Bangunan pertama yang saya masuki adalah sebuah sekolah di Mexico City pada gempa bumi tahun 1985.
Semua anak berlindung di bawah meja masing-masing.
Semua anak remuk sampai ke tulang mereka. Mereka mungkin dapat selamat jika berbaring di samping meja masing-masing di lorong.
Pada saat itu, murid-murid diajarkan untuk berlindung di bawah sesuatu.

Teori segitiga kehidupan

Secara sederhana, saat bangunan runtuh, langit-langit akan runtuh menimpa benda atau furniture sehingga menghancurkan benda-benda ini, menyisakan ruangan kosong di sebelahnya.
Ruangan kosong ini lah yang saya sebut "segitiga kehidupan".
Semakin besar bendanya, maka semakin kuat benda tersebut dan semakin kecil kemungkinannya untuk remuk.
Semakin sedikit remuk, semakin besar ruang kosongnya, semakin besar kemungkinan untuk orang yang menggunakannya untuk selamat dari luka-luka.


Suatu saat anda melihat bangunan runtuh di televisi, hitunglah "segitiga kehidupan" yang anda temui.
Segitiga ini ada di mana-mana dan merupakan bentuk yang umum.

Sepuluh Tip dalam Keselamatan Gempa Bumi

  1. Hampir semua orang yang hanya "menunduk dan berlindung" pada saat bangunan runtuh meninggal karena tertimpa runtuhan. Orang-orang yang berlindung di bawah suatu benda akan remuk badannya.

  2. Kucing, anjing dan bayi biasanya mengambil posisi meringkuk secara alami. Itu juga yang harus anda lakukan pada saat gempa.

  3. Ini adalah insting alami untuk menyelamatkan diri. Anda dapat bertahan hidup dalam ruangan yang sempit.
    Ambil posisi di samping suatu benda, di samping sofa, di samping benda besar yang akan remuk sedikit tapi menyisakan ruangan kosong di sebelahnya
  4. Bangunan dari kayu adalah tipe konstruksi yang paling aman selama gempa bumi.
  5. Kayu bersifat lentur dan bergerak seiring ayunan gempa. Jika bangunan kayu ternyata tetap runtuh, banyak ruangan kosong yang aman akan terbentuk.
    Disamping itu, bangunan kayu memiliki sedikit konsentrasi dari bagian yang berat. Bangunan dari batu bata akan hancur berkeping-keping.
    Kepingan batu bata akan mengakibatkan luka badan tapi hanya sedikit yang meremukkan badan dibandingkan beton bertulang.
  6. Jika anda berada di tempat tidur pada saat gempa terjadi, bergulinglah ke samping tempat tidur.
  7. Ruangan kosong yang aman akan berada di samping tempat tidur.
    Hotel akan memiliki tingkat keselamatan yang tinggi dengan hanya menempelkan peringatan di belakang pintu agar tamu-tamu berbaring di lantai di sebelah tempat tidur jika terjadi gempa.
  8. Jika terjadi gempa dan anda tidak dapat keluar melalui jendela atau pintu, maka berbaring lah meringkuk di sebelah sofa atau kursi besar.

  9. Hampir semua orang yang berada di belakang pintu pada saat bangunan runtuh akan meninggal.

  10. Mengapa?

    Jika anda berdiri di belakang pintu dan pintu tersebut rubuh ke depan atau ke belakang anda akan tertimpa langit-langit di atasnya.
    Jika pintu tersebut rubuh ke samping, anda akan tertimpa dan terbelah dua olehnya.
    Dalam kedua kasus tersebut, anda
    tidak akan selamat!
  11. Jangan pernah lari melalui tangga.

  12. Tangga memiliki "momen frekuensi" yang berbeda (tangga akan berayun terpisah dari bangunan utama).
    Tangga dan bagian lain dari bangunan akan terus-menerus berbenturan satu sama lain sampai terjadi kerusakan struktur dari tangga tersebut.
    Orang-orang yang lari ke tangga sebelum tangga itu rubuh akan terpotong-potong olehnya.
    Bahkan jika bangunan tidak runtuh, jauhilah tangga. Tangga akan menjadi bagian bangunan yang paling mungkin untuk rusak. Bahkan jika gempa tidak meruntuhkan tangga, tangga tersebut akan runtuh juga pada saat orang-orang berlarian menyelamatkan diri.Tangga tetap harus diperiksa walaupun bagian lain dari bangunan tidak rusak.
  13. Berdirilah di dekat dinding paling luar dari bangunan atau di sebelah luarnya jika memungkinkan.

  14. Akan lebih aman untuk berada di sebelah luar bangunan daripada di dalamnya.
    Semakin jauh anda dari bagian luar bangunan akan semakin besar kemungkinan jalur menyelamatkan diri anda tertutup.
  15. Orang-orang yang berada di dalam kendaraan akan tertimpa jika jalanan di atasnya runtuh dan meremukkan kendaraan; ini yang ternyata terjadi pada lantai-lantai jalan tol Nimitz.

  16. Korban dari gempa bumi San Fransisco semuanya bertahan di dalam kendaraan mereka & meninggal. Mereka mungkin dapat selamat dengan keluar dari kendaraan dan berbaring di sebelah kendaraan mereka.
    Semua kendaraan yang hancur memiliki ruangan kosong yang aman setinggi 1 meter di sampingnya, kecuali kendaraan yang tertimpa langsung oleh kolom jalan tol.
    Saya menemukan, pada saat saya merangkak di bawah kantor perusahaan koran dan kantor lain yang menyimpan banyak kertas bahwa kertas tidak memadat.
    Ruangan kosong yang besar ditemukan di sekitar tumpukan kertas-kertas.
    Sebarkan informasi ini dan selamatkan nyawa orang yang anda cintai.

    Terima kasih
    Semoga bermanfaat
    Artikel kiriman sdr Kangsa Sasmita
    Artikel ini kami temukan dari LINDA'S SITE

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Sunday, August 13, 2006



Kecelakaan kerja termasuk penyakit akibat kerja merupakan resiko yang harus dihadapi oleh tenaga kerja dalam melakukan pekerjaannya. Untuk menanggulangi hilangnya sebagian atau seluruh penghasilan yang diakibatkan oleh adanya resiko - resiko sosial seperti kematian atau cacat karena kecelakaan kerja baik fisik maupun mental, maka diperlukan adanya jaminan kecelakaan kerja. Kesehatan dan keselamatan tenaga kerja merupakan tanggung jawab pengusaha sehingga pengusaha memiliki kewajiban untuk membayar iuran jaminan kecelakaan kerja yang berkisar antara 0,24% s/d 1,74% sesuai kelompok jenis usaha.


Jaminan Kecelakaan Kerja (JKK) memberikan kompensasi dan rehabilitasi bagi tenaga kerja yang mengalami kecelakaan pada saat dimulai berangkat bekerja sampai tiba kembali dirumah atau menderita penyakit akibat hubungan kerja. Iuran untuk program JKK ini sepenuhnya dibayarkan oleh perusahaan. Perincian besarnya iuran berdasarkan kelompok jenis usaha sebagaimana tercantum pada iuran.
1. Biaya Transport (Maksimum)
• Darat Rp. 150.000,-
• Laut Rp. 300.000,-
• Udara Rp. 400.000,-

2. Sementara tidak mampu bekerja
• 4 bulan pertama 100 upah
• 4 bulan kedua 75 % upah
• Selanjutnya 50 % upah

3. Biaya Pengobatan/Perawatan
• Rp 8.000.000,(maksimum) *

4. Santunan Cacat
• Sebagian-tetap % tabel x 70 bulan upah
• Total-tetap
- Sekaligus 70 % x 70 bulan upah
- Berkala (2 tahun) Rp. 200.000,- per bulan *
• Kurang fungsi % kurang fungsi x % tabel x 70 bulan upah.

5. Santunan Kematian
• Sekaligus 60 % x 70 bulan upah
• Berkala (2 tahun) Rp. 200.000,- per bulan *
• Biaya pemakaman Rp. 1.500.000,- *

6. Biaya Rehabilitasi : Patokan harga RS DR. Suharso, Surakarta ,ditambah 40 %
• Prothese anggota badan
• Alat bantu (kursi roda)

7. Penyakit akibat kerja, Tiga puluh satu jenis penyakit selama hubungan kerja dan 3 tahun setelah putus hubungan kerja.
1. Kelompok I : 0.24 % dari upah sebulan;
2. Kelompok II : 0.54 % dari upah sebulan;
3. Kelompok III : 0.89 % dari upah sebulan;
4. Kelompok IV : 1.27 % dari upah sebulan;
5. Kelompok V : 1.74 % dari upah sebulan;
*) sesuai dengan PP Nomor 64 tahun 2005

Tata Cara Pengajuan Jaminan

1. Apabila terjadi kecelakaan kerja pengusaha wajib mengisi form jamsostek 3 (laporan kecelakaan tahap I) dan mengirimkan kepada PT. Jamsostek (persero) tidak lebih dari 2x24 Jam terhitung sejak terjadinya kecelakaan.
2. Setelah tenaga kerja dinyatakan sembuh / meninggal dunia oleh dokter yang merawat, pengusaha wajib mengisi form 3a (laporan kecelakaan tahap II) dan dikirim kepada PT. Jamsostek (persero) tidak lebih dari 2X 24 jam sejak tenaga kerja dinyatakan sembuh/meninggal. Selanjutnya PT. Jamsostek (persero) akan menghitung dan membayar santunan dan ganti rugi kecelakaan kerja yang menjadi hak tenaga kerja/ahliwaris.
3. Form Jamsostek 3a berfungsi sebagai pengajuan permintaan pembayaran jaminan disertai bukti-bukti:
a. Fotokopi karu peserta.
b. Surat keterangan dokter yang merawat dalam bentuk form Jamsostek 3b atau 3c.
c. Kwitansi biaya pengobatan dan perawatan serta kwitansi pengangkutan.
(Sumber berita dari Jamsostek)

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What is Occupational Health and Safety?

Occupational health and safety (OHS) is a discipline with a broad scope involving many specialized fields. In its broadest sense, it should aim at:

the promotion and maintenance of the highest degree of physical, mental and social well-being of workers in all occupations;

the prevention among workers of adverse effects on health caused by their working conditions;

the protection of workers in their employment from risks resulting from factors adverse to health;

the placing and maintenance of workers in an occupational environment adapted to physical and mental needs;

the adaptation of work to humans.

In other words, occupational health and safety encompasses the social, mental and physical well-being of workers, that is the “whole person”.

Successful occupational health and safety practice requires the collaboration and participation of both employers and workers in health and safety programmes, and involves the consideration of issues relating to occupational medicine, industrial hygiene, toxicology, education, engineering safety, ergonomics, psychology, etc.
Occupational health issues are often given less attention than occupational safety issues because the former are generally more difficult to confront. However, when health is addressed, so is safety, because a healthy workplace is by definition also a safe workplace. The converse, though, may not be true - a so-called safe workplace is not necessarily also a healthy workplace. The important point is that issues of both health and safety must be addressed in every workplace. By and large, the definition of occupational health and safety given above encompasses both health and safety in their broadest contexts.

Poor working conditions affect worker health and safety
Poor working conditions of any type have the potential to affect a worker's health and safety.
Unhealthy or unsafe working conditions are not limited to factories — they can be found anywhere, whether the workplace is indoors or outdoors. For many workers, such as agricultural workers or miners, the workplace is “outdoors” and can pose many health and safety hazards.
Poor working conditions can also affect the environment workers live in, since the working and living environments are the same for many workers. This means that occupational hazards can have harmful effects on workers, their families, and other people in the community, as well as on the physical environment around the workplace.

A classic example is the use of pesticides in agricultural work. Workers can be exposed to toxic chemicals in a number of ways when spraying pesticides:
they can inhale the chemicals during and after spraying, the chemicals can be absorbed through the skin, and the workers can ingest the chemicals if they eat, drink, or smoke without first washing their hands, or if drinking water has become contaminated with the chemicals.

The workers' families can also be exposed in a number of ways:
they can inhale the pesticides which may linger in the air, they can drink contaminated water, or they can be exposed to residues which may be on the worker's clothes. Other people in the community can all be exposed in the same ways as well. When the chemicals get absorbed into the soil or leach into groundwater supplies, the adverse effects on the natural environment can be permanent.

Overall, efforts in occupational health and safety must aim to prevent industrial accidents and diseases, and at the same time recognize the connection between worker health and safety, the workplace, and the environment outside the workplace.

Why is occupational health and safety important?

Work plays a central role in people's lives, since most workers spend at least eight hours a day in the workplace, whether it is on a plantation, in an office, factory, etc. Therefore, work environments should be safe and healthy. Yet this is not the case for many workers. Every day workers all over the world are faced with a multitude of health hazards, such as:




extreme temperatures.

Unfortunately some employers assume little responsibility for the protection of workers' health and safety. In fact, some employers do not even know that they have the moral and often legal responsibility to protect workers. As a result of the hazards and a lack of attention given to health and safety, work-related accidents and diseases are common in all parts of the world.

Costs of occupational injury/disease
How much does an occupational disease or accident cost?

Work-related accidents or diseases are very costly and can have many serious direct and indirect effects on the lives of workers and their families. For workers some of the direct costs of an injury or illness are:
the pain and suffering of the injury or illness;

the loss of income;

the possible loss of a job;

health-care costs.

It has been estimated that the indirect costs of an accident or illness can be four to ten times greater than the direct costs, or even more. An occupational illness or accident can have so many indirect costs to workers that it is often difficult to measure them. One of the most obvious indirect costs is the human suffering caused to workers' families, which cannot be compensated with money.

The costs to employers of occupational accidents or illnesses are also estimated to be enormous. For a small business, the cost of even one accident can be a financial disaster. For employers, some of the direct costs are:
payment for work not performed;

medical and compensation payments;

repair or replacement of damaged machinery and equipment;

reduction or a temporary halt in production;

increased training expenses and administration costs;

possible reduction in the quality of work;

negative effect on morale in other workers.

Some of the indirect costs for employers are:
the injured/ill worker has to be replaced;

a new worker has to be trained and given time to adjust;

it takes time before the new worker is producing at the rate of the original worker;

time must be devoted to obligatory investigations, to the writing of reports and filling out of forms;

accidents often arouse the concern of fellow workers and influence labour relations in a negative way;

poor health and safety conditions in the workplace can also result in poor public relations.

Overall, the costs of most work-related accidents or illnesses to workers and their families and to employers are very high.

On a national scale, the estimated costs of occupational accidents and illnesses can be as high as three to four per cent of a country's gross national product. In reality, no one really knows the total costs of work-related accidents or diseases because there are a multitude of indirect costs which are difficult to measure besides the more obvious direct costs.

Health and Safety Programmes

For all of the reasons given above, it is crucial that employers, workers and unions are committed to health and safety and that:
workplace hazards are controlled - at the source whenever possible;

records of any exposure are maintained for many years;

both workers and employers are informed about health and safety risks in the workplace;

there is an active and effective health and safety committee that includes both workers and management;

worker health and safety efforts are ongoing.

Effective workplace health and safety programmes can help to save the lives of workers by reducing hazards and their consequences. Health and safety programmes also have positive effects on both worker morale and productivity, which are important benefits. At the same time, effective programmes can save employers a great deal of money.

Points to Remember

Occupational health and safety encompasses the social, mental and physical well-being of workers in all occupations.

Poor working conditions have the potential to affect a worker's health and safety.

Unhealthy or unsafe working conditions can be found anywhere, whether the workplace is indoors or outdoors.

Poor working conditions can affect the environment workers live in. This means that workers, their families, other people in the community, and the physical environment around the workplace, can all be at risk from exposure to workplace hazards.

Employers have a moral and often legal responsibility to protect workers.

Work-related accidents and diseases are common in all parts of the world and often have many direct and indirect negative consequences for workers and their families. A single accident or illness can mean enormous financial loss to both workers and employers.

Effective workplace health and safety programmes can help to save the lives of workers by reducing hazards and their consequences. Effective programmes can also have positive effects on both worker morale and productivity, and can save employers a great deal of money.

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Introduction to violence at work

Violence is rapidly becoming an everyday reality for many workers, from bus drivers to teachers, bank security personnel, nurses and air crews faced with mounting cases of air rage among passengers. But shrouding it in silence and secrecy is counter-productive.

Many remedies exist, including security measures, surveillance, organizational solutions and the training of staff in how best to diffuse potentially violent situations. In most cases, these remedies are extremely cost-effective in terms of reduced medical and personnel costs and improved performance. But they can only be applied effectively once the problem has been acknowledged and brought out into the open.

Experience in this and allied fields strongly suggests that the most effective solutions are obtained when the issue is addressed by an active partnership of all the actors concerned.Governments, trade unions and employers are increasingly worried by what is emerging as a major workplace concern. The response at the national and international levels is taking shape. The European Commission is analysing the action to be taken for the prevention of workplace violence in the European Union as part of its current programme on safety, hygiene and health at work. All around the world, further surveys and studies are being carried out to identify the main problem areas. Innovative experiments are underway to assess the feasibility and effectiveness of different solutions to the problem. However, the new information and ideas resulting from these initiatives are only now starting to become available.

This introduction to violence at work is intended to provide brief answers to a number of questions. These include: How great a problem is violence at work? What forms does it take? Which sectors and occupations are most affected? To what extent are women particularly vulnerable, with special reference to sexual harassment? What is the cost of violence at work to the individual, the company and society? Do we understand why violence at work happens?want to read moreclick here

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