Tuesday, August 29, 2006


The sequence Accident almost happening every day,such as traffic accidents, flight accidents,Industry accidents, home accidents that exposed by mass media including TV, Newspaper,Radio and so forth. They reported about many accidents cause injuries, fatalities,loss of production or damage to the property and assets. No body knows exactly why accident taking place every day. There is many comment when accident occur, one of most comment is Human Error. Are you sure if most of accidents caused by human error. According to the statement that released by W.H. Heinrich (1931) who developed the so called "Domino Theory", he said that accidents 88% are caused by unsafe acts of people (human error), 10% caused by unsafe condition(linked with environment), and 2% caused by "acts of God"

The theory Domino explaining that accident occuring by "five-factors accident sequence" it is means that each factor will affected to the next step in the manner of toppling dominoes line up in row. The sequence of accident factors is as following:

  1. ancestry and social environment
  2. worker fault
  3. unsafe act together with mechanical and physical hazard
  4. accident
  5. damage or injury

Accident is not single cause impact it's will influence to many damages, therefore eliminate to the accident factors is better otherways management impact of accident.
Minimize accident factors such as working properly, follow to the regulation in the workplace, undestanding safety manual, till behaviour safety will be keep away from accidents it self, because accident is unplaned and unpredictable, so preventive action is good way to prevent of accident. If you want to know more about accident Theory, you visit to CLICK HERE and HEREALSO HERE

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