Key Question In Accident Investigation

To determine what the root cause of accident, we have to use key to understanding the accident happen. There are six basic questions to provide for opening the investigation as a below:
- WHO was injured? The goal of WHO question is to determine who saw the accident? It is important when accident happen. We need witnesses to help the investigator in order to understand who participate to the caused of accident such as who installed the faulty equipment, and also who was responsible for installation.
- WHAT happened? What was the cause of accident? What did the injury worker do or fail to do? What equipment or facilities were involved?
- WHERE did the accident happen?Where was the injured worker's supervisor at the time of the accident? " Where" question will be help to determine what caused the accident and the events leading up to it.
- WHEN did the accident accur? "When" question should contain more information than just a clock reading. Though the time of the accident accurrence is very importan to know , relationships are often more important . "When" question ask such question as: When did the injured worker take the guard off his or her machine? When was the injured person last given safety intructions? "When" question also elicit information or relationships between activities or events.
- HOW? "How" also provide information on the interaction and relationships between activities and events. How did the accident happen? How well was the worker intructed to perform the task?How did the guard fall off te machine?
- WHY? "Why" question should give some indication as to the corrective measures that should be taken.Since the answers here will generally focus on unsafe action or unsafe condition
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